NZAPT 2014 Philosophy in Schools conference
This year we will meet at the Toi Poneke Arts Centre in Wellington, 25-26 September
This conference will consolidate and distribute a shared database of (fully resourced) NCEA units for teaching Philosophy in NZ secondary schools. Bring along any projects that you have been working on, or would like help with, as well as the biggest USB/hard-drive that you can find (in order to take away film/audio/textual resources + units of work).
Sampling of NCEA units:
Hot topics in Philosophy
· Level 1 unit: freedom of speech and artistic expression; Civil Disobedience, LGBT rights in Russia—the case of Pussy Riot.
· Level 2 unit: Animal Rights—the case of SeaWorld and the documentary Blackfish
· Three new Level 3 units
o Internet Piracy and Copyright Law—the case of Kim Dotcom and the Pirate Bay.
o Income inequality in NZ
o Free will and responsibility—the repeal of the provocation defence
· A closer look Philosophy and Global Citizenship
Please click for registration form NZAPT2014
The NZAPT Conference is supported by the Frederick Woods Bequest fund, managed by The University of Auckland.